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Project Stargate: An unscientific comedy - Directed by Regina Chitralla

Project Type: Pilot episode (TV series)

Project Title: Project Stargate - an unscientific comedy

Brief Synopsis: A failed philosophy student (or successful depends on how you look at it) inadvertently ends up working in a government psychic research centre…can he bluff his way with nonsense whilst trying to win back the girl who left him?

Runtime: 16:29

Completion Date: 10.06.2024

Country of Origin: Germany

Language: English


Director: Regina Chitralla

Writer: Regina Chitralla & Rajab Mahmood

Producer: Regina Chitralla

Cinematographer: Peter Heinrichs

Editor: Rodrigo Bozzi

Key Cast:

Bill Lockridge,

Piro Rempel,

Alexandra Kuzmanovic


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