Project Title: KILL TIME
Brief Synopsis: A film about two gangsters who came from Poland to Albania to do business. During a meeting, a shootout occurs. One of them gets shot in the stomach. While fleeing towards the border, the wounded gangster asks his companion to tell him a story so he won't fall asleep. He tells him the story of a Knight fighting a Giant. This battle is an allegory of the real-world struggle of my brother, who is battling an illness.
Runtime: 49:51
Completion Date: 09.03.2024
Country of Origin: Albania - Poland
Language: Polish
Director: Mac Mothra
Writer: Mac Mothra
Producer: Mac Mothra, Robert Lozinski
Cinematographer: Mac Mothra
Editor: Mac Mothra
Key Cast:
Przemyslaw Bluszcz,
Miron Jagniewski,
Pawel Czarkowski