Project Type: Film
Project Title: Did You Remember The Cat?

Brief Synopsis: After surviving a house party-turned-horror film, Tara and Mitch’s
escape is cut short when they realize… they forgot their cat. Now, the couple must return to the house and brave the eldritch monster that waits inside to save not only the cat, but
their relationship itself.

Runtime: 18:04
Completion Date: October 2025
Country of Origin: United States
Language: English
Director: Daniel Foster
Writer: Autumn Olson, Daniel Foster
Producer: Shelby Sims, Tata Vivas, Daniel
Foster, Autumn Olson
Cinematographer: Brendan Grant, Chris
Editor: Luke Palter
Key Cast: Angel Maurnaé, Jonathan Lee, Autumn
Olson, Trevor Newlin, Brandon Hammel, Hugh
Car, Daniel Drach