An experimental film focusing on a man combating his obscured surroundings.
Stephanie Akers Producer
Kysannte Dunlap Producer
Kancy Burgos Producer
Jacob Pearson Producer
Daniel Miller Key Cast
Project Type: Short
Genres: Horror, Experimental, Creature
Runtime: 10 minutes 9 seconds
Completion Date: June 4, 2023
Production Budget: 3,000 USD
Country of Origin: United States
Language: English
For 23 years Chris Pearson has been working in the entertainment industry in both practical and digital application. He specializes in grip, gaffing, and editing for digital film but has been crafting special effects and props for years.
Majority of his works are in commercial, short film, and video marketing. While in Los Angeles he worked on music videos for P.O.D., Mod Sun, Amon Amarth, AND Veil of Maya. Chris currently operates under SLEEPINFEAR making horror art, props, and special effects gags.
Director Statement
This project took a little over 3 years to make. Every possible setback imagined in creating this short film happened. The idea was to do something different. Experimental.
Those who have watched CELLAR DOOR question everything on the meaning. The meaning is what you see and interpret. There are no wrong answers only differences of opinion.