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Aux Bords de Seine - Directed by Novinyo Wolanyo

Brief Synopsis: "Aux Bords de Seine" is a poetry, an enigma to be solved, a romance, a tragedy, a crossroads of several stories, a meeting and a crossroads of characters which is built little by little on the banks of the Seine, but also an idyll of a couple: Hillona Riménèse and Guillaume Rivière, which takes place most of the time outdoors hiding the evolution of each other, threatened by the fate of life, the day after deconfinement.

Runtime: 30 min

Completion Date: Juin 2024

Country of Origin: France

Language: French subtitled in English, Spanish


Director: Novinyo Wolanyo

Writer: Novinyo Wolanyo

Producer:Novinyo Wolanyo

Cinematographer: David Tergemina

Editor: Novinyo Wolanyo

Key Cast: Jean-Charles Zambo, Marion Oury


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