Project Type: Short Film
Project Title: 生 (Alive)
Brief Synopsis: Set in a post-apocalyptic world where fossil fuels have run out, humans must run on treadmills to generate electricity and hit mandatory output targets. An 18-year-old girl who often struggles to hit her output targets meets a disillusioned 30-year-old man, who wants to escape this life. Through their journey, she begins to wonder about the meaning of being alive.
Runtime: 18min51sec
Completion Date: 28 March 2024
Country of Origin: Singapore
Language: Mandarin
Director: Ong Yin Meng Taylor
Writer: Ong Yin Meng Taylor
Producer: Lim Hui En Melanie
Art Director: Ashley Liu
Cinematographer: Ong Chong Li Philip
Editor: Ong Yin Meng Taylor
Key Cast: Xuan Ong, Max Ma