An optimistic Goth librarian accidentally releases the angry, pessimistic Ghost of Edgar Allan Poe who demands she help him avenge his unjust murder by a jealous rival.
Pamela PerryGoulardt Writer
Pamela PerryGoulardt Producer The Most Wary, Secretive, Least Conspicous Jaguar Ever!
Ken Goulardt Producer The Most Wary, Secretive, Least Conspicous Jaguar Ever!
Flyingcloud Studios Producer The Most Wary, Secretive, Least Conspicous Jaguar Ever!
Matthew Toffolo Producer Wildsound
Matthew Toffolo Director
Sean Ballantyne Key Cast "Edgar Allan Poe"
Kyana Teresa Key Cast "Ligeia"
Elizabeth Rose Morriss Key Cast
Pamela Perry Goulardt is an Award-winning, produced screenwriter and producer.
"Dark Realities" is an Experimental Short Film, Produced by FlyingCloud Studios, Matthew Toffolo, and WILDsound Film Festival. Directed by Matthew Toffolo, Edited by Steve Rizzo, starring Sean Ballantyne, Kyana Teresa and Elizabeth Rose Morriss.