Project Type: Film
Project Title: The Miracle Stag
Brief Synopsis: According to ancient Hungarian legend, the two chieftains Hunor and Magyar chase the miraculous stag during a hunt, while the stag leads them to the new homeland of their people. – A short image film for ‘One With Nature’ World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition Hungary 2021
Runtime: 8 minutes
Completion Date: 2021
Country of Origin: Hungary
Director: Péter Bergendy
Writer: Gábor Hellebrandt, Péter Bergendy
Producer: Róbert Erdélyi
Creative Producer: Gábor Hellebrandt
Cinematographer: Zsolt Tóth
Editor: István Király
Music: Gergely Parádi
Key Cast: Bálint Révfalusi, Balázs Bölkény