Project Type: Documentary Film
Project Title: Peaking Through the Sand
Brief Synopsis: Peaking Through the Sand is a story about the resilience of a single mother, Dany, who lives in Tubarão, a favela rooted in tradition. She supports her son, Paulo, and her community through prioritizing education and environmental nourishment. Dany values education and wants to keep her son enrolled in private school; however, a lack of funds halts her goal. Through the strong tradition of clam collecting, which began as a survival tactic for the indigenous people, Dany strengths the relationships within her community and with her son.
Runtime: 17:45
Completion Date: April 30th, 2024
Country of Origin: Brazil
Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Directors: Andréa Campos and Lauryn Hayes
Writers: Tana Benitez, Andréa Campos, Makayla Harden, Lauryn Hayes, Daniela Ortiz
Producers: Joseph Adams, Zenaida De La Cruz, Lauryn Hayes, Grace Owusu, Alyane Wollery
Cinematographers: Sarah Ager and Reynolds Shenk
Editors: Andréa Campos and Daniela Ortiz
Key Cast: Pólen Acácio, Paulo Vitor Pereira Corrêa, Dany Hora