Project Type: Documentary
Project Title: Afloat: Monsters and Vineyards
Brief Synopsis: Lola Escámez, a contemporary artist has dedicated her life to giving a second life to disused things through art, her latest project includes forgotten and almost extinct grape varieties from Alenquer, Portugal and Benkovac, Croatia. Through art and with the help of the Adega Cooperativa Labrugeira they have created a wine combining two varieties from these two countries. Art with wine, inspired by the second life of the forgotten castes and a representation of the artist's personal life through the story of Cyclops, Ulysses and Polyphemus (The Odyssey). A documentary filmed in Alenquer, Portugal.
Runtime: 8 minutes 45 seconds
Completion Date: July 2, 2024
Country of Origin: Portugal
Language: Spanish (English subtitles)
Director: César Hernández @cesarhrnandez
Writer: Lola Escámez
Producer: César Hernández @cesarhrnandez
Cinematographer: César Hernández @cesarhrnandez
Editor: César Hernández @cesarhrnandez
Key Cast: Lola Escámez